Hold Fast to "All things" (Herbert W Armstrong)


An Organized Work?
Treasure Map To The Truth
The MAKEUP Cover-Up!
What's Next In Prophecy?
Where Is God's Truth?
The Restored Truths?
RADIO STATIONS (World Tomorrow & Sermons)
A Call To Remembrance!
Who Is Worthy To Escape?
The Bible Hymnal - Music
God's Work Today
Which Church ERA Is This?
A Powerful Tool And A Blessing
Sacred Name/Hebrew Roots
Local Congregations
Books and Booklets
America's Twin: ANCIENT ROME!
Holy Day Calendar
United States And Britain In Prophecy
The Middle East in Prophecy and King Of The South!
Our Mission and Goals
What Separates Us From Other Groups?
Mr. Armstrong's Last Letter
Does God Heal Today?
Truth And Doctrine?
Now God Speaks To You Ministers!
Divorce and Remarriage
WHO Will Lead Us Into God's Kingdom?
Remember This Man?
Whose Church?
The "LITTLE BOOK" of Rev. 10
Synagogue of Satan
The "Great Commission"
1983 Sermon Transcript
JOHN 10 Speaks!
WORLDWIDE NEWS Special Edition 1985
WHO was the End-Time Elijah?
WHO makes it into God's Kingdom?
Our Beliefs?
Mr. Armstrong addresses the ministry!
When a prophet prophesies......
How to support this Work
Feast Of Tabernacles Messages





When I first began this website in 2005, I really did not know what to expect or what the long range outcome would be. It certainly was NOT done to start my own church. Everyone who knows me personally will testify to this. The original concept of this website was to reach out to others of ‘like-mind” for the purpose of fellowship, and indeed it STILL is.


As has been mentioned on the front page of this website, those scattered brethren who are holding fast to the truths and doctrines revealed and restored by Jesus Christ through his end-time apostle, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, already ARE the Church of God.


So as time went on we realized there was indeed a work to do. It is a warning work, which has been explained throughout this website. But it’s a work unlike any other so-called splinter group of what was once the Worldwide Church of God.


For the first few years we were only a hand full of people scattered across the U.S., Canada and South Africa. We had people come and people go, just as with any Church organization or group. However in the last year or so we have begun to grow. And as we grow in numbers we can also grow in potential problems.


Originally I had been against incorporation and pursuing a tax-exempt status simply because I wanted little to do with being involved with our government, and indeed the governments of this world. Furthermore I was advised against it by a “few”, and at the time I agreed, albeit not for the same reasons as those who advised me. Plus, at the time we were so small that there was really no apparent need to incorporate.


Times, they are a changing!  It was originally stated on this website from the VERY BEGINNING, that all contributions to us were NOT tax-deductible because we were not incorporated. I assumed everyone could read and understand that, but apparently not. As a result, one particular disgruntled former associate of ours demanded his tithes back that he paid in a previous year simply because he could not deduct them from his income tax filing (at least that was his excuse).


I remember Mr. Armstrong having to deal with these types over the years. People who for whatever reason become bitter against God’s truth and work, and then wanted all the tithes back they had paid in. But Mr. Armstrong never gave in to that pressure or their “threats” because as he stated, they were GOD’S tithes to begin with, NOT the individual’s. When we fully understand the tithing laws and obey them, then we realize that our tithes are not ours to do with as “we please”, but they belong to God. This is a simple and basic law that some have forgotten or willfully disregarded. Tithing is a LAW and command from God.  It’s not an “option” for any true Christian.


Also as is stated on the “How To Support This Work” page on this website, I have NEVER asked anyone publicly or privately for money or contributions. We do not beg or ask for money. God provides for the needs of this work. All contributions are voluntary upon the individual. No one is ever “asked” to give or for their tithes.  So if someone voluntarily gives funds to an organization, why then would they demand it back? Those who support this work, do it voluntarily through their tithes, offerings or general contributions.


Anyway, to prevent any future problems or situations like this from occurring again, as of January 1st, 2008 we are incorporated as a non-profit organization under the laws of the State of Georgia.


I thought and prayed long and hard about this, and sought council from long time Church members who are with us. I also used Mr. Armstrong’s example on this. Below is an excerpt from a Worldwide News where he addresses incorporation and why he originally incorporated to begin with. Ironically it was for similar reasons that I took the same action. Mainly for protection from “greedy” ones who may come among us and have it in their hearts to “get” rather than to give.


So from this point on there will be other benefits for those who contribute to this work. In addition to being blessed by God for following and obeying His laws on tithing and also giving, at the end of each year contributors (and regular tithe payers) will be sent a receipt for their yearly contributions. This will enable you to deduct your donations/tithes from your taxes.


So overall, I am glad I made this decision. In the long run it will be beneficial to all who are with us, and who are coworkers with us. God’s Word shows us that we are to be subject to the laws of this land, as long as they don’t interfere with God’s Laws and the observance of them. Mr. Armstrong also taught us this and set the example for us.


So in the eyes of this world we are now an “official” Church, but what is MORE IMPORTANT is what we are in the eyes of God Himself.  We are the same as we have been from the beginning, fellow members of the Body of Christ. Remember, the true Church is a SPIRITUAL ORGANISM, though it does have physical organization.


Below you will see several links to click on to view. The first one is the excerpt from a Worldwide News where Mr. Armstrong is addressing incorporation. There are many other examples of this, but this one shows a good example.


Another link is to a file copy of our official certificate of incorporation along with the articles of incorporation. The articles of incorporation are for the moment very brief. I did this intentionally to get it into the government and approved sooner. I will be amending those articles in the near future, using the 1948 Radio Church of God articles of incorporation, and the 1968 Worldwide Church of God articles of incorporation as guidelines for ours. Ours will be somewhat different because we are in a different Church era, and the commission or focus of God’s work has changed, however the truths and doctrines have not.


The other two links are copies of our Statement of Fundamental Beliefs, and also our Constitution and By-Laws. These may be worth reading to find more details of what exactly we believe and why.  These are both patterned after the 1948 Radio Church of God documents.

The legal name of the church is: “CHURCH OF GOD AT CHICKAMAUGA, GEORGIA – A CORPORATION SOLE”.  However, for contribution purposes and for mailing purposes, the name and address will be the same as is posted on this website under the “CONTACT US” page, and the “HOW TO SUPPORT THIS WORK” page, which is:


 Church of God

 P.O. Box 332

 Chickamauga, GA. 30707



Thank you all for your support and prayers.



Daniel E. Cohran




CLICK HERE for Worldwide News excerpt

CLICK HERE for Certificate of Incorporation

Official Statement of Beliefs

Constitution and By-Laws









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