Sermons on this page are from October 2020 through October 2022. For sermons dating from 2006 thru Oct. 2020, go to the "AUDIO
ARCHIVES" pages 1 through 6.

NOTICE: Sermons on this page are now in .html5 player format, which will play on most devices. All of the Audio Archives pages
were in Adobe Flash player format which will cease to exist at the end of 2020, and have now all been removed by our streaming
service. We will be working in the weeks and months ahead to restore all those (Archive) page messages to the new player format.
"I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; They shall never hold their peace day or
night, You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent..." (Isa. 62:6)
Thus says the Lord: “Stand in the ways and see, And
ask for the old paths, where the good
way is, And walk in it;
Then you will find rest for your souls.
But they said, “we will not walk in
it”. Also, I set watchmen
over you, saying, “Listen
to the sound of the trumpet!” But they
said. “We will not listen”.
Therefore hear, you nations,
know, O Congregation, what is among them. Hear,
O earth! Behold, I will certainly bring calamity on this people – The fruit of
their thoughts, Because they have not
heeded My words Nor My law, but rejected
it. (Jer. 6:16-19 NKJV)
Sermons (the most recent sermon will always be
at the top)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Rejoice At God's Feast!" (1 hour)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Are You Preparing To Be A KING?" (1 hour)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "DAVID'S THRONE - Past, Present, Future!"
(1 hour, 24 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Living FAITH!" (26 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Fall Holy Days" (35 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Restored Truths" (13 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Key To The Foundation Of Truth - Part
11" (1 hour, 31 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Key To The Foundation Of Truth - Part
10" (1 hour, 22 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Key To The Foundation Of Truth - Part
9" (1 hour, 35 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Key To The Foundation Of Truth - Part
8" (59 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "First Love Lost!" (37 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Key To The Foundation Of Truth - Part
7" (1 hour, 24 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Key To The Foundation Of Truth - Part
6" (1 hour, 31 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Seven Paths To Happiness!" (16 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Key To The Foundation Of Truth - Part
5" (52 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Key To The Foundation Of Truth - Part
4" (1 hour, 26 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Key To The Foundation Of Truth - Part
3" (1 hour, 29 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Mysteries" (19 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Key To The Foundation Of Truth - Part
2" (1 hour, 6 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Key To The Foundation Of Truth - Part
1" (1 hour, 33 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The OTHER Pride" (1 hour)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "USE The Power Of God!" (33 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Age Of Rage!" (26 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "News Update 5/27/22" (39 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Spiritual Heart Disease" (21 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Change" (29 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Priorities" (25 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Pressure" (32 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Courage And Loyalty" (1 hour, 15 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "God's Apostle On Abortion" (55 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "God's Spokesmen On Abortion" (1 hour, 15
The Sermon title on the below player is: "WHO Is In Control?" (22 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Storm Clouds Of World Wide Famine!" (1
hour, 23 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Keep Pushing Forward!" (1 hour)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Commitment!" (26 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Do You REALLY Hate It?" (38 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Self Control" (56 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Turn OFF These Devices!" (1 hour, 23 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Storm Preparation!" (32 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Spring Holy Days" (1 hour)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Checkup Time!" (27 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Civilization On A COLLISION COURSE!" (1
hour, 8 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Stay On Safe Ground!" (22 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "CONSTANT Focus!" (45 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Will Humanity End In A Nuclear Holocaust?"
(25 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "A Remedy For War!" (53 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Trials!" (19 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Suffering!" (44 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Qualifying To Rule" (21 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "King David's Attributes" (56 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "King David's Repentance" (16 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The World's Oldest Throne! " (1 hour)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "EU News" (46 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The U.S., U.K., And Russia In Prophecy"
(52 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "In Brief - A New World Coming!" (21 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "How Is Your World View?" (21 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "How Big Is Your World?" (30 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Your Family Sanctuary" (29 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Mental Strength!" (37 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Source Of True Strength!" (41 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Remembering..." (34 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The End-Time Zerubbabel!" (1 hour, 8 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Don't Worry!" (25 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Don't Stress!" (36 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Forgiving!" (23 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Be Zealous!" (20 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "How Converted Are We?" (40 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "What Is Conversion?" (15 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "REAL Conversion!" (1 hour, 3 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Be EN-Couraged!" (25 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Don't Be DIS-Couraged!" (39 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "America's End" (19 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Our Nature!" (1 hour)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Romans 8:38-39" (22 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Matthew 24:12" (42 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Grow In THIS!" (1 hour, 17 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Humility..." (19 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "...And More Humility!"
(49 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "A Cure For Heart Disease!" (26 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "THIS Is The Mind!" (48 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "READY Or PERFECT, Or BOTH?" (1 hour, 24
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Through Much Pressure And Anguish!" (1
hour, 41 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Lessons" (1 hour, 15 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "What's In YOUR Mind?" (58 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Feast Of Trumpets And YOU!" (24 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Our Hope For The Future!" (14 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "U.S. Falling - E.U. Rising!" (1 hour, 9
The Sermon title on the below player is: "A Glimpse At Your Incredible Destiny!"
(1 hour, 9 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Our Great Pilgrimage!" (20 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Plan A Feast Of JOY!" (49 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Learn From Solomon!" (15 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Do You REALLY Fear God?" (27 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Who Will Be Delivered?" (1 hour, 21 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "How Is YOUR Faith?" (22 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Will YOU Be Protected?" (1 hour, 5 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Two Feet!" (1 hour, 2 minutes)
(Two minute introduction by Mr. Herbert W Armstrong)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Reject False Images!" (18 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Being Positive In A Dark World" (44 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "A Continual Sacrifice" (27 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "We Are ALL Slaves, But To WHAT?" (28 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Do It NOW!" (18 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Are You Listening?" (1 hour)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The End-Time Ministry" (1 hour, 12 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Why Drought AND Floods In The U.S.?" (1
hour, 16 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Grace" (15 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Truth" (45 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Your Shield And Buckler" (18 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "You CAN Make It!" (43 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Your Spiritual Olympics!" (29 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Will You Finish The Race?" (25 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Middle East Mess!" (1 hour, 11 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Spiritual Marathon" (20 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "A Matter Of WILL!" (46 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Never Doubt God's Promises!" (19 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Impending Total Disaster!" (1 hour, 7 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Don't Be Tempted!" (20 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Set Your Priorities Straight!" (26 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Fighting The Three Battle Fronts!" (24
The Sermon title on the below player is: "A World-Wide Deception!" (1 hour, 18 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Sin And Leavening" (48 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "His Last Day" (34 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Pre-Passover Reminder" (31 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Who Will Succeed?" (19 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Who Did It?" (43 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Who Is Worthy?" (16 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Don't Believe ME!" (18 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Seven Point Exam!" (31 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "He Who Overcomes!" (1 hour, 43 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Wrong Type Of Familiarity!" (45 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "How To Improve Your Prayers" (1 hour, 15
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Our Prayers" (32 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Foundation Of God's Government - Part
4" (1 hour, 20 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Where Is YOUR Treasure?" (31 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Foundation Of God's Government - Part
3" (1 hour, 29 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Only The Overcomers!" (31 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Foundation Of God's Government - Part
2" (1 hour, 12 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Foundation Of God's Government - Part
1" (1 hour, 31 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "A Declining Economy!" (1 hour, 20 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Attitude Is Everything!" (15 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Truth Or Consequences!" (49 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Seek Balance!" (1 hour, 9 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Correction!" (25 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Perfect Government!" (51 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Humility" (26 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "A Contrast In Governments - Part 2" (1
hour, 15 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Five Qualities Of Leadership" (28 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "A Contrast In Governments - Part 1" (1
hour, 10 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "The Future Of Elections!" (36 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "A Plague Of Depression!" (1 hour, 13 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Three Steps To Overcome Sin!" (30 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "EU, Turkey, & Middle East Update" (57 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "A Matter Of Life And Death!" (20 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Overcoming Sin" (51 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "FORWARD From The Feast!" (19 minutes)
The Sermon title on the below player is: "Return To The Battlefield!" (44 minutes)