Click below where it says "WHO AM I ?" to hear a short AUDIO introduction. It's less that 15 minutes long
(from 2005). Thanks!

Photo: Dan & Pam Cohran
ABOUT ME.......(in brief)
Hi, my name is Daniel (Dan) Cohran. I have been a member of the Church of God since the mid 1970's.
I am also a deacon in God's Church and I do try to serve our scattered brethren to the best of my abilities through this
website and by other means.
My wife (Pamela) and I left the WCG in the early to mid 90's (BECAUSE of doctrinal changes) and became
members of the PCG (Gerald Flurry). We left there after a year or two and went to the CGF (Bob Ardis). We departed from
both of these groups because of doctrinal changes (departing from God's Truth). From 2000 to mid 2005, we were
members of the Church of God -Front Royal, VA (Daniel Dawson), until the death of Mr. Dawson. We also left this last
group because of doctrinal changes. Doctrinal changes, meaning departing or changing the truths and doctrines that Jesus Christ
revealed and restored through His end time apostle, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong.
We now stay at home for Sabbath services and listen to sermons from Mr. Armstrong, or messages that
I occasionally record for this website. We also visit and fellowship with other brethren of like-mind when we can.
We are still organized under the structure of God's Government as taught by Mr. Armstrong. We meet for the annual Feast
of Tabernacles and also other Holy Days when possible.
In the eyes of this world, I am not an "official" minister nor do I want to be, although at times
I have no choice but to serve in that capacity. I serve as an administrator for the Church, and spokesman on behalf of Jesus
Christ and His end-time apostle, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. I've been called a "preaching deacon", and so I am.
Someone has to take a "stand" for the truth and defend it. Obviously the ministry today has utterly
failed to do that. I also serve as a coordinator or point of contact and organizer, to help others with our beliefs
to have fellowship with one another. So this website stands as a beacon of light or banner, to show God's loyal and
faithful people (wherever they are) that His truth STILL STANDS, and that the True Body of Jesus Christ is still alive and
thriving. This website also aims to bring into REMEMBRANCE, what we were taught under Mr. Armstrong concerning
various topics of the Plain Truth of Jesus Christ. This website also contains a stern WARNING for all of
God's people and for any who will listen and heed.
Any questions and emails are welcomed. But please be advised our purpose is NOT to contend
or argue over the Word of God. There is enough of that already in Laodicea.
Daniel Cohran Executive Director & Senior Spokesman Church of God
International Contacts:
On the African continent, you may also contact our representative in South
Africa, Mr. Lowell Vickers. He also is a deacon and long time member of God's Church. His email is:
Philippines- Contact our deacon and representative, Mr. Marc Valera. His
email address is:
If you are holding fast to what God gave us through Mr. Armstrong or striving to do so, and seek fellowship
with others of like mind, please contact us. We can put you in contact with brethren who desire your
fellowship as well. As stated on our "local congregations" page, we are not actively seeking new members. We
realize this is a stark contrast from all the other groups. However, we do realize that it is Jesus Christ who
is doing the spiritual gathering at this time, and that sometime soon He will perform a literal physical
gathering as well of His faithful and loyal people. It is our hope to be accounted worthy to be a part of this final
gathering, and even more so to qualify as the BRIDE of our soon coming King. (Rev. 12:14 & Rev. 19:7)
Our U.S. Postal Mailing Address:
Church of God
P. O. Box 1357 Jensen Beach, FL 34958
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